
CBD for Cats

What is it and how does it work?

See how CBD can make a difference to your feline friend in a variety of ways.


● CBD (cannabidiol) is an active compound present in the hemp plant (Cannabis sativa)

● Early studies suggest that this hemp product may improve the symptoms of various conditions in cats, including stress, pain, and inflammation.¹

CBD for cats

CBD is a popular wellness tool for people. But are you aware of a growing body of scientific evidence pointing to the potential of CBD for cats and other animals?

CBD is a naturally occurring hemp compound that’s safe and could present pet owners with an opportunity to amplify their cats' wellness.¹

As more people learn about CBD's non-intoxicating properties, they may consider using CBD for cats and reaping the rewards.

Let's explore the topic of CBD for cats, its benefits, and how this hemp product could impact your pet’s life.

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CBD Oil for Cats

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How does CBD oil for cat’s work?

The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is a complex cell signalling system found naturally in all animals, including humans.²

 The ECS consists of three parts: the endocannabinoids or internal cannabinoids, cannabinoid (CB) receptors, and enzymes. The body produces endocannabinoids, which are neurotransmitters or messaging chemicals.

 These compounds activate the cannabinoid receptors, releasing various chemicals to help the body remain in homeostasis or healthy balance.

Cannabinoid receptors are found throughout the body, which is why CBD and other plant-based cannabinoids have wide-reaching effects.

CB1 is the receptor primarily found in the brain and central nervous system, whereas CB2 receptors are sited in the liver and throughout the immune system.³

Unlike THC, the psychoactive component of cannabis, CBD does not bind with CB receptors. Instead, it interacts indirectly with them. For this reason, CBD is not intoxicating. Researchers believe that the ECS plays a role in significant bodily functions involving the central nervous system, digestive system, endocrine system, and reproductive system.

 CBD and the other phytocannabinoids hold the key to the ECS as, like the body's endocannabinoids, they can interact with the CB receptors.³

The potential benefits of CBD for cats

Studies suggest owners may use CBD for their cat for reasons such as pain and its anxiety quelling properties.⁴

 Early research also suggests that CBD may help with discomfort and inflammation³ and could improve your cat's quality of life.⁵ 

 stress and anxiety

Cats may be sensitive, and like their canine counterparts, they can become anxious and jumpy around new people or situations.

Changes in their food, home, and general surroundings can throw them off their typical form and increase their stress levels, which may then cause physical symptoms.

Your cat can't tell you they feel stressed, but owners may notice changes in their body language and actions. Physical signs of stress include dilated pupils, high blood pressure, heavier breathing, and an elevated heart rate.

They may be anxious, refuse to enter or leave a particular area of the home or show changes in their eating and litter box habits.

Once a veterinarian rules out any potential medical issues, using CBD oil for cats might be an option for your feline family member. Many pet owners use CBD oil for cats with anxiety because it's an all-natural solution that vets may suggest⁴ because of its calming effects.

 A significant advantage of CBD oil for cats is that you can administer a dose directly before a stressful event. For example, if car rides and veterinary appointments are triggers for your cat, giving them a dose an hour before it's time to leave your house can improve the experience for everyone.⁵ ⁶


Ageing is a part of life for people and pets. With increasing age, joint and muscle pain become more common.

Many consumers are turning to all-natural CBD oil to help with age-related inflammation.⁶ So, it isn't surprising that pet owners can also see the potential for CBD to help their ageing cats.

 Although more clinical studies are necessary to confirm the results, testimonials from veterinarians and pet owners are positive.

An excellent example of this is Mattie the cat and her owner, Dr Casara Andre, DVM, cVMA, founder and director of Veterinary Cannabis Education and Consulting in Colorado.

Her beloved cat Mattie had several health problems, including arthritis.⁵

She explained her experience to Today's Veterinary Nurse.

"I really didn't have any good options for her, so I tried a CBD-dominant tincture… I saw a difference, but it took about 6 weeks. I noticed small improvements in her appetite, willingness to interact, and small play attempts... It gave me my cat back, and gave Mattie 4 more amazing years."

Is CBD oil safe for cats?

Although using CBD for cats is a relatively new concept, and there is little information on the long-term effects on safety, research⁶  indicates that hemp-based CBD is safe in cats.

However, further work is needed to understand how well cats absorb CBD and how other cannabinoids and terpenes affect them.

Owners should exercise caution when choosing a CBD product for their cats. Added botanicals, scents, or colourings, even though safe and effective for humans, could be dangerous for pets.

 The best CBD oil for cats contains no artificial ingredients or fillers and provides broad-spectrum bioactive compounds.

What is CBD?

CBD stands for cannabidiol. It's one of over 100 bio-active chemical compounds known as cannabinoids produced by hemp plant flowers.

 Each of these constituents has unique properties. Hemp is a strain of the Cannabis sativa plant that must contain less than 0.2% THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the intoxicating component in cannabis that induces a "high."

In contrast, CBD lacks this effect because of the way it's metabolised. Unlike THC, cannabidiol is non-intoxicating and, therefore, safe for your pet. CBD exerts its effects in humans, dogs, and other animals because of the endocannabinoid system (ECS). Scientists describe¹ the ECS as a complex network of neurotransmitters, receptors, and enzymes that help regulate essential bodily functions like mood, appetite, memory, inflammation, pain response, and the sleep-wake cycle.

How to choose CBD for cats

The best CBD oil for cats is from a trusted brand that meets the most recent regulations for hemp products.

Additionally, you should always verify the third-party laboratory results before buying CBD for cats.

The report, also known as a certificate of analysis, shows CBD and other cannabinoids in each product and any added ingredients. If you have any questions about CBD for cats or other concerns about this all-natural supplement, consider speaking with your veterinarian for further guidance.

CBD is currently being used as an all-encompassing term for hemp-derived cannabinoid products with high concentrations of CBD.

However, whole-plant extracts are broken into two groups, full-spectrum and broad-spectrum. Full-spectrum CBD products contain a mixture of naturally occurring plant extracts (such as terpenes and other cannabinoids) and up to 0.3% THC or more.

Naturecan’s Pet CBD products are made with our proprietary blend of CBD + CBDA Isolate to ensure zero THC, meaning they are safe for all pets. Animals are sensitive to essential oils and flavourings, so it’s vital to ensure that any CBD product you administer to your pet contains no artificial ingredients or harmful oils. CBD for cats, dogs, or other pets, must be pure.

Pet’s can also be sensitive to flavonoids and terpenes in full entourage CBD oils which is why at Naturecan we refine our broad-spectrum CBD into Isolate to ensure a consistent result and the safety of your pet.

Meet the author

Zia Sherrell is a health copywriter and digital health journalist with over a decade of experience covering diverse topics from public health to medical cannabis, nutrition, and biomedical science. 

Her mission is to empower and educate people by bringing health matters to life with engaging, evidence-based writing.

When she’s not typing madly, Zia enjoys travelling and chasing after her dogs.
